Back from my disappearing act with the news everyone has been waiting anxiously for...OK maybe not anxiously. In any case, Mark Sanchez will have surgery on his left knee tomorrow at Morristown Memorial Hospital in New Jersey to fix the patella tendon.
Two of the Jets team doctors, Elliott Hershman and Kenneth Montgomery, will perform the procedure on the 23-year-old quarterback. Montgomery, who has been with the team for 11 years is the team's head physician and orthopedic surgeon. Hershman, the team's orthopedist has been with the team for 24 years. He is the vice chairman of orthopedic surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital and Chairman of the NFL's Injury and Safety Panel.
No specific information is available yet as to how long Sanchez may be in the hospital, although normally this is an outpatient procedure.
In addition, still waiting for confirmation as to whether he will rehab in Florham Park or elsewhere. (Elsewhere probably being home in California.)